In queste poche righe credo si possa riassumere il Libano.
Un Paese dalla mille contraddizioni ma anche dalle mille bellezze!!! Un paese da conoscere!
- The name LEBANON appears 75 times in the Old Testament
- The name CEDAR (Lebanon’s tree) appears 73 times too in the OldTestament!!
- Beirut was destroyed and rebuilt 7 times (this is why it’s compared to The Phoenix).
- There are 4.5 Million Lebanese in Lebanon
- There are around 16 Million Lebanese outside Lebanon!
- Lebanon, the country, was occupied by over 16 countries:>Egyptians-Babylonians- Persians- Alexander the great – the Roman Empire Byzantine- the Arabian Peninsula-The Crusaders- the Ottoman Empire- Britain-France- Israel- Syria.
- Byblos (city in Lebanon) is the oldest, continuously living city in the world.
- Lebanon’s name has been around for 4,000 yrs non- stop (it’s the oldest country/ nation’s name in the world!)
- Lebanon is the only country in the neighborhood that doesn’t have a desert.
- There are 15 rivers in Lebanon (all of them coming from its own mountains)
- Lebanon is one of the most populated countries in its archaeological sites, in the world!!!
- The first alphabet was created in Byblos (city in Lebanon)
- The only remaining temple of Jupiter (the main Roman god) is in Baalbeck, Lebanon (The City of the Sun)
- The name of BYBLOS comes from the BIBLE!!!
- Lebanon is the country that has the most books written about it.
- Lebanon is the only non-dictatorial country in the Arab-speaking world (it has a President!)
- According to Christianity, Jesus Christ made his 1st miracle in Lebanon, in Cana (The miracle of turning water into wine).
- The Phoenicians (Original People of Lebanon) built the 1st boat, and they were the first to sail ever!
- Phoenicians also reached America long before Christopher Columbus did.
- The 1st law school in the world was built in Lebanon, in Downtown Beirut.
- The Declaration of Human Rights was wrote by Dr. Charles Malek.
- The Prophet (Gibran Khalil Gibran) is consistently in the bestselling category (overall) at Amazon!
- People say that the cedars were planted by God’s own hands, and it’s a FACT (This is why they’re called “The Cedars of God”, and this is why Lebanon is called “God’s Country on Earth”.